Monday, June 16, 2008

A bouquet of pansies

Another truly hardy plant that blooms from the earliest spring days till well past the first killing frosts. I normally gravitate to the red, purple and lilac colored ones, but these orange ones just stood out from the rest of the plants at the hardware store down the street. They looked so bright and cheerful that I bought a flat of them. I'm hoping they'll self seed and I'm curious to see what colors I'll get as they cross with the purple and reddish ones that currently grow in the same areas.

I bought a pack of pansy seeds several years ago, planted them in a poorly chosen spot and waited, and waited, and waited for them to come up. Two years later, after having ameliorated the soil in that area, I notices a couple of sickly specimens growing there and moved them to a healthier place. The current crop of deep purple and reddish ones below are all descendants of those first pansies. The lesson--make sure the soil you drop your seed into is appropriate to the plants you want to get from it.

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