Thursday, August 21, 2008

Clematis times five

The clematis are unbelievable. I can't wait to see what they do in a summer that isn't as rainy as this one has been. I have five varieties blooming now and one to go. The first to bloom was the Rhapsody. It's still blooming, and has plenty of buds to go on with.

Next was the John Huxtable. It's still blooming and has plenty of buds left as well.

That was followed by the Jackmani superba which has also been prolific.

The Louise Rowe was supposed to be a dark lilac, at least that's what the picture showed when I bought it. It produced only a single spectacular blossom in an almost pure white. The reason I say it's spectacular is that the flower when fully opened was nearly eight inches across. I can't wait till next year to see if its going to produce as well as the others have done this year.

The Ville de Lyon is also spectacular. It's covered with buds as well. When the sun falls on the flowers in the early morning they seem to glow as if the light originates from within them.

And I'm patiently waiting for the John Warren to bloom. It has alot of buds but they're at least a week away from opening. Its at the shady end of the fence right next to the shed, so its probably not getting enough light. I may have to take out a couple of branches to let in more light.

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