Thursday, May 29, 2008

The winds they are a-changing

............but not fast enough for me. They've moved to the southwest and brought a bit of rain, but they're still blowing at 35 km/h and though its a little warmer, its not enough to satisfy my joints. As you can see below, the fish pond is ready to go (but still too cold for the fish). As you can also see, the plum tree is in full bloom. I especially like the way it looks at night. It's too bad its a singleton and never produces fruit. I've had only one plum in the eight years I've been here. If I could find someone to tell me if its a Japanese or a European I'd get it a partner, but even the garden places tell me they can't distinguish between the two. I guess I could buy one of each and go from there, but then I'd still have one without a partner and have to buy one more.

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