Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fall is coming

The brown-eyed susans are blooming. I've always loved them, even as a kid when they only grew wild in the ditches. These are rudbeckia cultivars. They started as a single clump given to me by Margo next door a couple of years ago and they've turned into several dozen large clumps. Much as I love them though, they make me a little sad because they signal to me that fall is coming with its shorter days and winter will follow soon after.

The Gallardia are still in full bloom. . . .

. . . and the purple cone flower is doing its thing as well. I got these from France who lives two doors down. They've turned from a single rather sickly clump to four medium size clumps that put on a spectacular show till late in the fall. I picked up a white variety this summer, but I won't know till next spring if it's survived or not. It's been reduced to a couple of leaves sticking out of the dirt. I don't know why, but I keep buying the sickliest plants in the bunch just to prove I can bring them back to life. Most times it works out quite well.

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