Saturday, November 15, 2008

The crack of dawn

Sometimes it pays to be up at the crack of dawn. On Thursday (13 nov) the fur kids had me up before six am. I opened the patio door to let them out and saw the full moon setting over Margo's house. I guess it won't be Margo's house for much longer. She put it up for sale and it was gone in a week. So I guess it will be Manon's house after December 10. I've met her already and she seems quite nice. I can't wait to meet her kids (9 and 10 year old boys). Anyway, the sky and everything beneath it had that purpley pre-dawn look (sunrise was at 6:46), and the moon was a gorgeous golden globe framed magnificently between the branches of the pine tree beside my shed and and the slope of Margo's roof. It was only minus three so it wasn't a hardship to stand out on the deck in my jamies and snap the photo below.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Winter's first blast

I took these photos on 29 October. The snow started just as we were putting the garden to bed for the winter and wrapping the trees and roses. It made the job messy wet and cold, and much more difficult than it needed to be. Of course, after all that, the snow has all melted and disappeared. The weather report for the balance of the week is for temperatures up to +14 C with light rain. That will ensure that everything will have a good start come next spring. I still have some seeds that I want to get scattered on the ground in places that need some color in the summer. I'll scatter the hollyhock seeds and some poppies and lupines as well so they'll get a head start in the spring.